Cyber law is fundamentally the branch of law that deals with legal issues related to the use of information technology.
Ethics: Also called moral philosophy is the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad, right or wrong.
Morals: The standards of behaviour; principles of right and wrong behaviour. Thus morals are dictated by society, culture or religion while ethics are chosen by the person himself which governs his life. This chapter introduces the do's and dont's of cyber world.
Software Piracy: Software piracy is
nothing but copyright violation of software created originally by an individual or an institution. It includes stealing of codes/programs and other information illegally and creating the imitated copy by unauthorized means and utilizing this data either for own benefit or for profit making.
Unauthorized access : Gaining access without the users' permission is known unauthorized access. as Authorization means granting access rights to resources, which is related to information security computer security and to access control in particular sector.
Copyright violation: A copyright is
a legal right that gives the creator of a literary, artistic, musical, or other creative work the sole right to publish and sell that work.
Cracking : Activity such as decipher codes or passwords and breaking security systems for illegal reasons is called cracking.
Cyberbully or Cyberstalking :
Cyberstalking is a criminal practice where an individual uses the Internet to systematically harass or threaten someone.
Phishing: This a technique of extracting confidential information such as credit card numbers and username password combos by pretending as a legal enterprise. Phishing is typically carried out by email spoofing.
Plagarism: Plagarism is presenting someone else's work or idea as your own without their consent.
Hacking: Hacking refers to unauthorised intrusion into a computer or a network. Hacker is a person intensely interested in the deep and hidden or concealed working of any computer operating system and programming language.
Cyber Safety and Security
Cyber safety is the safe and responsible use of information and communication technology.
1. Adhere to copyright restrictions when downloading material from the Internet, including software, games. movies, or music.
2. Report online bullying immediately to the teacher and parents/ or some one whom you trust.
3. Use a strong and unique password with combinations of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letter and special characters for each account(s) and change your password frequently.
4. Obtain software from trusted sources. Always scan files before opening them.
5. Check to see if the web address begins with https:// whenever you sign in online.
6. Connect only with known individuals.
7. Think twice before you post like! share something related to sensitive topics like politics, religion etc.
8. Report to the service provider immediately if the account is hacked. If possible deactivate your account.
1. Don't share your personal information real name, date of birth, phone number etc. unnecessarily
2. Don't send your pictures to unknown persons or share them on social media.
3 Don't open emails and attachments from strangers.
4. Don't respond to any suspicious email, instant message or web page asking for personal information.
5. Don't share your password/OTP with anyone.
6. Don't save your username and password on the browser.
7. Don't steal other's information.
8. Don't access or use files without the permission of the owner.
9. Don't copy software which has copyright without the author's permission.
10. Don't bully others online by teasing, threatening, using rude or offensive language, making derogatory or hateful comments.
11. Don't meet unknown (even if they are known only through online interaction) people alone; always inform an adult or a friend.